

options -- this is the guib::options variables holding options of GUIB keywords !!!


The allowed options of the GUIB keyowrds are stored in options(keyword) variable. For example, for the "var" keyword, the allowed options are stored in options(var) variable. The structure of the options(keyword) variables is accoring to the cmdline::getoptions requirements.


# BEWARE: if options has an argument we add ".arg" extension to it

# DEFINITION of standard "module" options.
set options(module) {
    {title.arg     GUI {Human readable name for the module}}
    {script.arg   {}   {Scirpt of the module}}
    {varscope.arg {}   {Scope for variables}}

# DEFINITION of options for nameObj objects (line, namelist, group)
set options(page) {
    { name.arg      {}    {The name of the line} }
set options(line) {
    { name.arg      {}       {The name of the line} }
    { decor.arg     prefixed {Style of decoration-label: prefixed, normal or none} }
set options(namelist) {
    { name.arg      {}       {The name of the namelist} }
    { decor.arg     prefixed {Style of decoration-label: prefixed, normal or none} }
set options(group) {
    { name.arg      {}    {The name of the namelist} }
    { decor.arg     none  {Style of decoration-label: prefixed, normal or none} }

# DEFINITION of standard "var" options. Applies to the 
# following keywords: var, auxilvar, dimension
set standard_var_options {
    { variable.arg  {}    {The name of the variable} }
    { text.arg      {}    {Displayed top-text for the variable} }  
    { label.arg     {}    {Displayed label for the variable} }
    { value.arg     {}    {Allowed values for the variable} }
    { textvalue.arg {}    {Allowed values for the variable that will be diplayed in a widget like radiobutton} }
    { default.arg   {}    {Default value for the variable} }
    { fmt.arg       {}    {Format speficication for the variable} }
    { validate.arg  {}    {The validation type for the value (i.e. numeric, alphabetic, integer, hexidecimal, real, and alphanumeric)} }
    { infmt.arg     {}    {Input format speficication for the variable} }
    { outfmt.arg    {}    {Output format speficication for the variable} }
    { widget.arg    entry {Widget to be displayed for this variable} }
    { helptext.arg  {}    {help text for this var} }
    { helpfmt.arg   txt   {Format of the help.} } 

set options(var)      $standard_var_options
set options(auxilvar) $standard_var_options

set options(scriptvar) {
    { value.arg     {}    {Allowed values for the variable} }
    { textvalue.arg {}    {Allowed values for the variable that will be diplayed in a widget like radiobutton} }

# DEFINITION of additional dimension options
set special_dimension_options {
    {start.arg  0    {starting element of the dimension} }
    {end.arg    0    {last element of the dimension} }
    {pack.arg   top  {packing-side of the dimension widget} }
set options(dimension) [concat $standard_var_options $special_dimension_options]

# DEFINITION of table options
set options(table) {
    {caption.arg  {}    {The caption of the table}}
    {head.arg     {}    {The head of the table}}
    {variable.arg {}    {The name of the variable holding the table data}}
    {validate.arg {}    {Specification of the validation for the tables columns}}
    {cols.arg     1     {Number of columns}}
    {rows.arg     1     {Number of rows}}
    {widgets.arg  entry {List of widgets/per-columns to use for table cells}}
    {onvalues.arg  1    {List of on-values for the table cell widget like checkbutton}}
    {offvalues.arg 0    {List of off-values for the table cell widget like checkbutton}}
    {fmt.arg      {}    {Format speficication for the variable} }
    {infmt.arg    {}    {Input format speficication for the variable} }
    {outfmt.arg   {}    {Output format speficication for the variable} }
    {helptext.arg {}    {help text for this var.}}
    {helpfmt.arg  txt   {Format of the help.}}
    {optionalcols.arg -1 {Marks which columns are optional: if optionalcols > 0 then columns >= optionalcols are optional}}
# DEFINITION of help options
#{variable.arg  {}   {name of a variable for which this help is meant} }
set options(help) {    
    {helpfmt.arg   txt2html "Format of the help"}
    {vartype.arg   {}       "Type of the variable"}
    {helptext.arg  {}       "Help-text"}

# definitions of separator options
set options(separator) {
    {  {}  {Text for the label of separator widget}}

# definitions of text options
set options(text) {
    {caption.arg   {}    {The caption of the text.}}
    {label.arg     {}    {Text for the label of separator widget.}}
    {readvar.arg   {}    {Variable holding the content of the text upon the file-read. Requires the readfilter routine.}}
    {helptext.arg  {}    {help text for this var.}}
    {helpfmt.arg   txt   {Format of the help.}}